This is an archived copy of my home page, last edited on 10/11/1999. For the up to date version of my home page, please go to "" Thank You.
Welcome to Steve Wesorick's Home on the Web
By the way, I'm Getting Married! on January 8, 2000
to my pretty girl,
Tracy Orefice
This page is my Home on the Web. Basically, it's just where I go to have fun, when I'm not doing hanging out with my Fiancee', doing homework, working, looking for a real job, or watching a U of M football game. I tested it using Netscape 4.0. To get the maximum effect, I suggest you use Netscape 4.0, also. If you don't have Netscape 4.0, some pages might not load properly. Unfortunately, I don't really have enough time to go through and check my site using every web browser. This is the cumulative work of three years of college, so I will admit some of the pages here have fallen into disrepair or become dated. I apologize for this, however, I just don't have the heart to put them to sleep (They're so cute, and they're not really hurting anyone, are they?). My page is constantly under construction, so I would love to hear what you have to say about it. Currently, the Wedding page, and the links page are the most actively growing portions of my page. And of course, I'm always getting new comments in my guestbook so why don't you sign it, or check it out while you're here?